Midwest Environmental Just Network Landscape Scans
Grassroots EJ organizations are doing urgent and important work in the Midwest, yet they are often operating invisibly – without recognition or funding. MWEJN analyzed our small grant applicant data to increase understanding of the geographic distribution, size, and priorities of grassroots EJ groups working in the Midwest.
Our goal is to lift up overall trends, opportunities, and challenges facing grassroots EJ groups in the region.
Principles of Environmental Justice
Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC, drafted and adopted 17 principles of Environmental Justice. Since then, The Principles have served as a defining document for the growing grassroots movement for environmental justice.
Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
On December 6-8, 1996, forty people of color and European-American representatives met in Jemez, New Mexico, for the “Working Group Meeting on Globalization and Trade.”
The Jemez meeting was hosted by the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice to hammer out common understandings between participants from different cultures, politics, and organizations. The participants adopted the “Jemez Principles” for democratic organizing, which contain six core values that emphasize the importance of inclusion and equity in the organizing process.
The Equitable and Just National Climate Platform
MWEJN is a co-author of The Equitable and Just National Climate Platform, which advances the goals of economic, racial, climate, and environmental justice to improve the public health and well-being of all communities while tackling the climate crisis.
Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition Research and Reports
Visit the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition Research and Reports page for essential insights into Michigan's environmental and public health challenges, exploring equitable energy policies, clean air initiatives, and the impact of utility companies.
What Does Grassroots Mean Anyways?
The CLIMA Fund report “What Does Grassroots Mean Anyways?” highlights the vital role of grassroots organizations in tackling ecological and social crises and underscores the importance of supporting these community-led groups to address climate and social inequities effectively, distinguishing their impact from larger, less accountable organizations.
Examining Disparities in Environmental Grantmaking: Where the Money Goes
by Dorceta E. Taylor and Molly Blondell, Yale University. Link to the Full Report - March, 2023
Federal Grants Training Series Session
Midwest Environmental Justice Network & The Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy hosted a 3-part training in January - April 2023 on Federal Grant Opportunities.
Are you considering applying to a federal grant in the next few months?
Make sure you have registered with SAM.gov, Grants.gov & obtained a Unique Entity Identifier Number ASAP - this process can take 4-6 weeks. MWEJN partnered with the Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy and Elevate to host a 3-part training on Federal Grant Opportunities. A checklist and resource list for federal grant applications can be found HERE.
Justice40 Initiative Funds
The Equitable and Just National Climate Forum, of which Midwest EJ Network is a member, celebrated its third year anniversary by launching the EJNCP Justice40 Resource Guide and Funding Finder to help disadvantaged communities tap federal Justice40 Initiative funds. Members of the EJNCP released the following statement on the new Resource Guide and Funding Finder and to reflect on recent accomplishments, needed actions from the Biden administration, and the work ahead.
Local Policies for Environmental Justice: A National Scan
This report was prepared by Ana Isabel Baptista, PhD, with assistance from Amanda Sachs and Claudia Rot, Research Assistants at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School with support granted by the Natural Resources Defense Council in collaboration with the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, Southeast Environmental Task Force, and Southeast Side Coalition to Ban Petcoke.
Comprehensive Compendium of State Regulatory Activities on Environmental Justice
published by Integral Consulting Inc., in October 2021, provides a state-by-state guide: “Compendium of State Regulatory Activities on Environmental Justice”
Environmental Justice & Philanthropy: Challenges and Opportunities for Alignment: Gulf South and Midwest Case Studies.
This report was prepared by Ana Isabel Baptista, Ph.D., and Adrienne Perovich, MPA, with assistance from Anna Yulsman, Program Coordinator, as well as doctoral students, Molly Greenberg, and Jennifer Santos Ramirez, who serve as research assistants at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School.