A Year in Review: 2023 Environmental Justice Policy Wins across the Midwest

At the end of last year, we compiled a report of some of the major milestones in environmental justice policymaking and community-building that our partners were involved in. Now, we are excited to share this report with all of you.

The work of our partners paints a powerful picture of the growing strength and vision on environmental justice issues in the Midwest. These wins are a testament to the commitment and resilience of our grantees. 

Partners cited MWEJN as a trusted intermediary in their work, with our unrestricted general operating funding being critical for strengthening internal organizational capacities, gaining visibility, building coalitions, and being able to leverage MWEJN resources to procure governmental and philanthropic dollars to achieve stability. We are honored and grateful to be working in partnership with grassroots organizations across the Midwest fighting to protect the health and wellbeing of our communities and  environment.

This work is critical to building a just future for all.

What is a Win?

In this report, wins are defined both as those actions that won policy and regulatory changes; as well as actions that built movement power. Increasingly, groups are not only fighting to stop the bad, but also working to build the new—creating infrastructure that is grounded in community vision, justice, and relationships. This has included, among the other categories listed below, fighting for voters’ rights and just electoral participation at the state and federal levels, which has broad impacts across each of these EJ areas. These wins are only for the calendar year 2023, with many of them achieved due to hard work over decades of organizing and power building.  


Energy Democracy & Infrastructure

From solar panels and energy efficient homes to equitable utility rates advocacy and divesting from fossil fuels, Network partners are building the foundations of just energy economies in their communities


  • People for Community Recovery helped transition over 50 residents to solar power and distributed 4,000 solar readiness tool kits

  • Thanks to LVEJO advocacy in the NET-Z coalition, the state of Illinois will now mandate that an increased portion of trucks and medium duty vehicles in the state are electric or hydrogen fuel cell

  • As partners’ efforts to champion equitable utility rates for financially struggling community members were heard by the Illinois Commerce Commission, Blacks in Green launched a new website to amplify community voices on energy policies.


  • Through teach-ins and energy efficient home upgrades, partners like We Want Green Too and the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition continued the fight for energy democracy infrastructure in the face of utility giants like DTE 

  • Several EJ partner organizations were part of a successful settlement agreement in the DTE Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) intervention, securing an $8 million fund to be paid over 4 years, supporting energy projects, solar solutions, and home improvement for low-income ratepayers. The settlement also raised the rooftop solar cap from 1% to 6%. This empowers us to expand clean energy access.

  • Partners held companies and state dollars accountable to clean and equitable energy commitments. 

  • State utility rate increases were reduced, coal plants were closed, and statewide energy from solar and battery storage increased. 

  • Nationally, Michigan-based partners also provided key expertise in advocacy for the EJ for All bill.


  • Indigenous-led organizations like Native American Education Technologies organized the multi-state coalition against open pit mining and tar sands in the Great Lakes

  • Departments of tribal partners like Bad River Band’s Natural Resources Department continue to build tribal infrastructure for clean energy sovereignty through solar panel installation and grid expansion in their communities 




Water Protection & Drinking Water

Our partner organizations are at the frontlines of the largest battles to protect our waters and strengthen water access, affordability, and pollution regulations across the region. 


  • Advocating for equitable and affordable water access and infrastructure for Michigan residents has been at the heart of statewide organizing efforts from frontline partners, from a federal advocacy delegation to water feasibility studies

  • We the People of Detroit, Redeem Detroit, the Wisdom Institute and other regional partners have created a statewide coalition to advocate for water affordability legislation, and continue to track Detroit Water and Sewerage Department policies related to water shutoffs throughout the city

  • Thanks to BANCO, lead pipes in Benton Harbor are being replaced


  • Led by the Milwaukee Water Commons, The Milwaukee Water Equity Task Force was formed to ensure that communities of color share equitably in the city’s water infrastructure 

  • Within the next 20 years, all lead lateral water pipes will now be replaced in Milwaukee with no cost to homeowners

  • Held state and federal agencies accountable for their equity goals in water and natural resources management



  • The REACH study (Rural Embodiment and Community Health) was launched by Centreville Citizens for Change in collaboration with Washington University of St. Louis




Food Justice, Sovereignty & Just Development

Our partners are building healthy and just futures from the root up. We know that communities grow strong when they are well-nourished and protected.


  • Native-led partner organizations like Dream of Wild Health, The Little Earth Residents Association, and Wakan Tipi Awanyankapi in the Twin Cities have been transforming their communities into food sovereignty hubs and creating state-funded learning spaces for reclaiming Native land and life. 

  • Drivers for All is implemented statewide, authorizing driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants, thanks to the work of COPAL and others. 


  • Native Justice Coalition held three Boarding School Truth and Reconciliation Commission events 

  • Green Door Initiative and Native Justice Coalition were selected to receive support from the Justice40 Accelerator program

  • Green Door Initiative hosted the White House Council on Environmental Quality on the Justice40ward Detroit Community Tour


  • Environmental Health Watch leads the BUILD Health Challenge project, “Race, Food and Justice,” to build a community-led local food system in Cleveland


  • Bad River Band is strengthening its treaty rights and community food access with youth hunting & fishing camps and a 27-acre farm project



North Dakota


Air Pollution 

The price of industrial pollution throughout the Midwest has been paid time and time again by frontline communities. One of the biggest battles our partners have been fighting has also been for one of the most important human needs–clean air.



North Dakota

  • Fort Berthold POWER successfully lobbied the Biden Administration to pass regulations around oil and gas flaring within the boundaries of the Fort Berthold reservation.


Breathe In, Breathe Out


2024 Midwest Frontline Fund Applications are Open